Ergothioneine Supplement Guide: Facts, Benefits, and Usage

What Is Ergothioneine?

Ergothioneine (ERGO) is a unique naturally occurring amino acid produced by mushrooms, yeast, and some types of bacteria.

It is unique because it behaves much like a vitamin in humans. Vitamins are essential for humans to ingest because we cannot make them in the body, and they are required in critical chemical reactions. While not considered a vitamin (yet), the importance of ERGO to human cellular metabolism is evident because our bodies have a cell membrane protein that is specific to transporting ERGO into cells. The presence of this transport protein signifies that ERGO is a critical component of cellular function.


Ergothioneine as a Dietary Supplement

Taking supplemental ergothioneine may be a good option, given its safety and the possible health benefits of raising the intake of ERGO.

Regarding the safety of ERGO, it has undergone extensive studies to determine safety. Even at extremely large doses, no adverse effects were seen in animal studies. And the recommended supplemental dosage level of 30 mg per day is well below the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 800 mg per kg body weight per day established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). ERGO has also been established as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

A human clinical trial verified the effectiveness of ERGO as a dietary supplement showing that it is absorbed and retained in the body based upon increased levels of ERGO in the red blood cells (preferentially) and plasma combined with minimal excretion in the urine (less than 4% of oral dosage). The increase in ERGO was associated with a downward trend in inflammation and oxidative damage biomarkers.

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Diverse Application of Ergothioneine

1. Cosmetics: ERGO's antioxidant properties make it a valuable ingredient in skincare products, where it can help protect against oxidative damage, reduce signs of aging, and promote overall skin health.

2. Food and Beverage: ERGO can be used as a natural food additive or supplement to enhance the nutritional value of foods and beverages. It may also be incorporated into functional foods aimed at promoting health and well-being.

3. Pharmaceuticals: ERGO's potential in mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation makes it a target for pharmaceutical development. It could be used in formulations for neuroprotection, cardiovascular health, and other therapeutic applications.

4. Agriculture: ERGO may have applications in agriculture as a biostimulant or biofertilizer to enhance plant growth, stress tolerance, and crop yield.

5. Research: ERGO is also utilized in scientific research as a tool to investigate cellular function, oxidative stress, and aging-related processes. Its availability as a supplement facilitates studies on its biological effects and mechanisms of action.

6. Animal Nutrition: ERGO supplementation in animal feed may improve animal health and productivity by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing immune function.

7. Environmental Remediation: ERGO's potential as an antioxidant could be explored in environmental remediation efforts, such as reducing oxidative damage in polluted environments or protecting organisms from environmental stressors.



What are the health benefits of ergothioneine?

Discover the remarkable health benefits of ergothioneine below, a potent amino acid with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties.

1. Serves as an antioxidant

Ergothioneine is beneficial for the body, protecting it from oxidative stress. It acts as a shield, defending your cells against harmful free radicals that can damage them and make you age faster.

Found abundantly in certain foods like mushrooms, ergothioneine works tirelessly to keep your cells safe and your body thriving. But its benefits don’t stop there. Let’s break it down:

· Neutralizes free radicals: Ergothioneine neutralizes harmful free radicals and protects your cells from oxidative damage.

· Prevents premature aging: By combating oxidative stress, ergothioneine helps to keep your skin youthful, your joints supple, and your energy levels high.

· Supports heart health: With its antioxidant properties, ergothioneine may help reduce the risk of heart disease by protecting against oxidative damage to blood vessels.

2. Soothes inflammation

Ergothioneine functions as your body’s calming salve when it comes to inflammation. It is a supplement that can help you feel your best, whether you’re suffering from a sensitive stomach, achy joints, or even skin irritation.

· Calms inflammation: Ergothioneine’s anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce swelling and discomfort, providing relief from conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

· Promotes healing: By soothing inflammation, ergothioneine supports the body’s natural healing processes, allowing tissues to repair and regenerate more effectively.

· Protect against chronic disease: Chronic inflammation is linked to a host of serious health issues, including heart disease. Ergothioneine’s ability to soothe inflammation may help reduce the risk of these conditions and support overall well-being.


3. Boosts brain health

Ergothioneine helps keep the brain sharp. Imagine it like a shield, preventing harm to your nerve cells and promoting normal brain activity.

Studies indicate that when taken as a supplement, ergothioneine can stop brain cells from dying due to harmful substances, lessen clumps of protein in the brain, lower stress caused by oxygen, and help the brain use sugar better.

Also, having low levels of ergothioneine in the blood has been linked to worse memory and thinking skills and faster brain function decline. This shows that ergothioneine is important for keeping your brain healthy and working well.

Eatables high in ergothioneine, like mushrooms, can help keep your brain functioning at peak efficiency, whether you’re cramming for an exam or simply attempting to keep your place. Here’s how:

· Protects nerve cells: Ergothioneine helps shield nerve cells from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

· Supports memory: By supporting healthy brain function, ergothioneine may improve memory retention and recall, helping you stay sharp and focused.

· Enhances cognitive function: From problem-solving to decision-making, ergothioneine supports a wide range of cognitive abilities, allowing you to perform at your best in all aspects of life.


4. Supports eye health

As a reliable ally, ergothioneine is constantly willing to assist, shielding your eyes from the damaging effects of oxidative damage while maintaining bright, clear vision.

Ergothioneine-rich meals like mushrooms can help keep your eyes healthy for years to come, whether you spend your days in the sun or staring at screens. Here’s how:

· Prevents oxidative damage: Ergothioneine’s antioxidant properties help shield your eyes from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration.

· Supports eye function: By promoting overall eye health, ergothioneine ensures that your vision stays sharp and clear, even as you age.

· Reduces eye strain: Whether you’re working long hours or enjoying a day in the sun, ergothioneine can help reduce eye strain and fatigue, keeping your eyes comfortable and refreshed.

5. Acts as ‘fountain of youth’

Who doesn’t want to feel young again? Ergothioneine is your weapon against aging. It fights damage in your body caused by getting older, helping to keep your skin soft, your joints flexible, and your energy levels up.

Here’s how ergothioneine can help you stay youthful:

· Promotes skin health: By combating oxidative stress, ergothioneine helps maintain youthful skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a radiant complexion.

· Supports joint function: Ergothioneine’s anti-inflammatory properties help keep your joints flexible and pain-free, allowing you to stay active and mobile as you age.

· Boosts energy levels: By protecting against cellular damage, ergothioneine ensures that your body’s energy-producing mechanisms stay efficient, keeping you feeling energetic and youthful.


6. Fights chronic disease

Think of ergothioneine as your body’s protector, always on the lookout for dangers. It acts like a shield, guarding your cells from harm and keeping them strong.

Whether it’s toxins or other harmful things, ergothioneine jumps in to stop them and keep your cells safe. Here’s how ergothioneine helps:

· Inhibits abnormal cell growth: Ergothioneine has been shown to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells, preventing them from spreading and causing harm.

· Protects DNA: By shielding your DNA from damage, ergothioneine reduces the risk of mutations that can lead to abnormal cell growth.

· Supports cellular health: Ergothioneine’s antioxidant properties help maintain the health and integrity of your cells, ensuring they function optimally and reducing the risk of abnormalities.


7. Supports immune system

Ergothioneine is like a supportive friend, cheering on your immune system from the sidelines. Think of it as a booster shot, giving your body extra support it needs to fend off harmful invaders and stay healthy.

Foods high in ergothioneine, such as mushrooms, can support your body’s natural defenses, whether you’re fighting off a cold or simply trying to stay healthy throughout flu season. Here’s how it works:

· Enhances immune response: Ergothioneine boosts the activity of immune cells, helping your body mount a strong defense against infections and illnesses.

· Protects immune cells: By reducing oxidative stress, ergothioneine helps protect immune cells from damage, ensuring they can function effectively.

· Supports overall health: A strong immune system is essential for overall health and well-being, and ergothioneine plays a key role in keeping it in top condition.

Ergothioneine and Healthy Aging

The brain may be the most sensitive to low ERGO levels in the tissues where ERGO is concentrated. After all, the brain is the most metabolically active tissue in the body. The decline in brain function with aging might eventually be linked to lowered ERGO status and be one of the signs of an ERGO deficiency if it is established as a vitamin.

Levels of ERGO decrease with age due to both a drop in dietary intake and a decrease in the genetic expression for the ERGO transport proteins. This scenario indicates that ERGO deficiency may significantly affect aging-related impaired brain function. There is data to support this connection, as two human studies show ERGO is lower in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment than those without. And there is evidence that ERGO accumulates in the brain, where it may protect against oxidative damage, inflammation, and decreased mitochondrial function linked to cognitive decline in older adults.

Frailty is another condition associated with aging, and when researchers sought to determine the metabolic basis of frailty, ERGO levels were significantly lower in frail elderly subjects compared to the non-frail elderly subjects.

And another study showed that ERGO levels were associated with the preservation of gait (manner of walking). Disturbance in gait is a common sign of aging. The basis of gait disturbance in older adults is oxidative damage of skeletal muscle. ERGO appears to help protect against this underlying damage.



In conclusion, ergothioneine (ERGO) is a unique compound found in mushrooms and certain bacteria, with potential benefits for human health. While not officially classified as a vitamin, it plays a crucial role in cell function and has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage. Studies suggest that supplementing with ERGO may support healthy aging, particularly in the brain, and boost overall well-being. Increasing intake through dietary sources like mushrooms could be a simple way to reap these benefits. As research progresses, ERGO may emerge as a valuable tool in promoting longevity and improving quality of life.


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